Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Fall color near Aunt Marie's in Titusville, PA

Pretty much a relaxing day reminiscing and looking at old pictures and videos with the relatives. Fall color continues to emerge slowly with the warm days and cool nights.

Aunt Marie & Uncle John's abode
Isn't her garden fabulous?

Monday, September 29, 2014

Drive from Madison, OH to Titusville, PA

The first covered bridge I've ever crossed.

Could these card players BE anymore enthusiastic?

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Perry Township Park, OH

Another relaxing day and a few pictures from Perry Township Park. After looking at the pictures your may wonder, "How many Fall pictures of a nuclear plant can you take?"

Some Fall color starting to show.

Relaxing on the grassy knoll.

The ride

Greg and his Mom
Pebbles makes another appearance.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Geneva State Park and Madison Area, OH

Geneva State Park on Lake Erie about 4 miles North of Madison, OH.

It's Friday, so thought I would get tanked.

I guess this is what I would look like if I were in the Civil War, barring the modern clothes of course.
The Fall colors are really starting to show now.
Swamp in Geneva State Park

Lake Erie

These flowers were once a dietary staple of early settlers. Actually I made that up, but it sounded good didn't it?
Madison Township Park

Got to have some fun along the way.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Day of Rest in Madison, OH

Howdy folks. Today was pretty much a down day for some much needed sleep and recovery time from the early start to my flight and adjusting to the 3 hour time difference. Good thing is I slept like a baby. Just ran some errands with Aunt Bernardine, had dinner with Ed, and visited Linda and her husband. For those who don't know my relatives, no worries, Fall pictures coming soon. The colors are changing quickly. To the left is Pebbles, Aunt Bernardine's cat. She likes to sleep on the bed in the room I'm in. But she's nice enough to let me have the bed, more like, scared of the new stranger in the house to let me have the bed.

Aunt Bernardine's house in Madison, OH

Ed, Aunt Bernardine, and Linda

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Flying to Cleveland

Is this Fall color? No, just farmland in Northern Illinois.
First stop - The Windy City. That's Chicago for the nicknamed impaired.
Guess which airline I flew? Hint: the name is in the picture above.
Downtown Cleveland
Progressive Stadium - home of the Cleveland Indians
Sail boats on Lake Erie near Mentor Ohio
Beautiful sunset at Madison Township Park (near Aunt Bernardine's)