Saturday, October 11, 2014

Rhode Island and Connecticut

I made it to Michaelene's Friday night after a long drive. It's was nice to know the next day I didn't have to get up early, I needed some sleep. I ended up getting up early anyway because they had to bring me a new rental car again. So I got to chat with Michaelene for a while before she went to work and I went to Rhode Island. It was a cool rainy day, reminded me of Seattle. But once I got out sightseeing the rain had stopped. I got to see the Atlantic Ocean for the first time in my life. The water is much warmer then the Washington Pacific, but it taste the same. It was nice and colorful driving through the smallest state in the Union. And since it was only 170 or so miles (about half of what I had been driving) it was relaxing. Michaelene made a nice chicken dinner for supper, it smelled like Thanksgiving. I realized I didn't take hardly any Connecticut pictures, most below are from Rhode Island.

This and the following five pictures are from Westerly, RI.
Watch Hill Lighthouse
Recently renovated Ocean House Hotel
Hike to Jerimoth Hill, RI
I made it to the Jerimoth Hill, the highest point in Rhode Island, all 812 ft of it.
Farm along Route 49 in the Pachaug State Forest, RI
My few pictures from Connecticut.
Tinsel, Michaelene's cat, very friendly fellow.

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